A short bio and some personal details.
I am the founder and CEO of NickelCommerce - the world's first transparent B2B marketplace. Prior to NickelCommerce, I worked as a consultant to large hospital chains and the military, helping develop innovative, cost-effective solutions for healthcare delivery.
I hold a Master's in Economics from Boston University and a degree in Management from the University of Texas at Austin. Outside of work, you can find me on Katy Trail preparing for a half marathon, watching baseball, exploring Europe, or at a UT football game.
My curiousity is insatiable, and due to this, I end up consuming vast amounts of information. This thirst for knowledge pairs well with my foundational belief that there are a near infinite number of "open secrets" (as articulated by Peter Thiel and built upon by others) to be discovered in the world. The more we learn, the more we can discover. And these discoveries almost always benefit the world - especially when paired with entrepreneurs who can turn good ideas into great businesses. I aim to find and monetize these open secrets, and I want to work with people who share the same mission and passion.
Here is a list of the topics (in no particular order) that I'm most interested in:
If you're into these topics too or building something in any of these spaces, feel free to get in touch by email or on Twitter.